Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Snowball was a big white tomcat that had cruised the neighborhood for a couple of years.  One of my clients felt sorry for the cat without an apparent home, so she began to feed and befriend him.  Surprisingly, Snowball enjoyed human touch and companionship.  His...

Testing for Heart Disease in Cats

Heart disease can be a silent killer of cats just as it is in people.  Cats can be without any apparent signs of problems and then die suddenly from a condition called cardiomyopathy.  Cardiomyopathy is disease of the heart muscle. If the heart muscle stops...

Smell—a Very Important Sense to Cats

Just a whiff of tuna can jolt my cat, Shaka, from a sound sleep.  The aroma enters his nostrils and they begin to quiver.  The next thing I know, he is there to share my lunch.  Some cats get trained to the sound of can openers, but others, such as Shaka, use their...


Asher is an 18 month old cat who as a kitten had bad gums.  During examination some time after he was adopted from a rescue group, I noticed significant inflammation of his gums, especially over his back teeth.  He was treated with antibiotics and with a dental...

Attention Seeking Kitty

Does your cat like to talk to you?  Does he make noise to be fed or to wake you up during the early morning hours?  If so, you are not alone. A reader submitted this issue to me; asking if there was anything she could do about an overly boisterous cat.  She adopted a...